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Ayesha Huma


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Ayesha, currently working as Senior Analyst at Accenture Technology, is a budding Data enthusiast. Although a Civil Engineering graduate, she had routed her career towards her interest in Project Management and Data Analytics and further aspires to learn AI technology and how it can resolve challenges prevalent in the world. She is a Jamia Millia Islamia alum and the legacy of her Alma Mater had further strengthened her belief in giving back to the society. Thus, she aspires to leverage her technical skills in creating a positive and lasting impact.

She aims to increase the number of women studying and working in STEM domain and thus improve the under-representation of females in the job market.

She is a verocious reader and finds comfort in the company of books of all genres ranging from historical fiction to classical English. She loves to write on thoughts and musings of everyday life as well as issues close to her heart.

Besides books, she holds in her heart love for poetry and sufi music and finds solace in the words of Faiz and Iqbal.

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