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Tracy. W. Harachi

Tracy. W. Harachi

Assistant Professor




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Tracy Harachi, PhD., MSW is an Associate Professor at the School of Social Work and adjunct in the Department of Global Health at the University of Washington (UW). Her scholarly interests focus on understanding familial and environmental processes that impact youth and preventive interventions. In the past two decades her efforts focused on Cambodia where she directed a partnership that established their first social work degree program and introduced social workers to healthcare. She has published multiple peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and agency reports. Her significant service related to mentoring was recognized through the Friend of Early Career Preventionist Network Award by the Society for Prevention Research. She also received SPR’s Community, Culture, and Prevention Science Award, the UW Outstanding Public Service Award, Partners for International Education Award by the Council on Social Work Education, and more recently the UW Health Sciences Martin Luther King Jr. Community Volunteer Recognition Award.

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